Hernia: Types, Treatments, Symptoms, Causes & Prevention
What is Hernia?
A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue ruptures through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or fascia.The most common types (upper stomach) are inguinal (internal inguinal), incisional (coming from an incision), femoral (external inguinal), umbilical (umbilicus), and hip hernias. There are many different types of Hernia. Let us see how they arise and what they are in detail.
What is a inguinal Hernia?
An inguinal hernia is a hernia that occurs in the abdomen near your groin area, the intestine or the bladder protrudes through the abdominal wall or into the inguinal canal in the groin. About 90% of all groin hernias are inguinal, and mostly these occur in men due to the natural weakness in this area.
It develops when fatty or intestinal tissues push through a weakness in the abdominal wall near the right or left inguinal canal. Each inguinal canal resides at the base of the abdomen.
Most people have inguinal canals. In males, the testes usually descend through their canal by around a few weeks before birth. In females, each canal is the location of passage for the round ligament of the uterus.
Hernia inside or near by this passageway, it results in a protruding bulge. It might pain’s while moving.
Since it’s small and does not have any symptoms, so oftenly people don't think of taking treatment for this type of hernia. Instant medical treatment can help prevent further protrusion and discomfort.
What is a hiatal Hernia?
When the upper stomach squeezes through the hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes, then the hiatal Hernia occurs.
What is an umbilical hernia?
Umbilical hernia occurs when part of the small intestine passes through the abdominal wall near the navel. Highly common in newborns and women who have had more children.
What is a Femoral hernia?
When the intestine enters the canal that carries the femoral artery into the upper thigh, a femoral hernia results. Women are more likely than men to have femoral hernias, particularly those who are pregnant or obese.
What is an incisional hernia?
When the intestine pushes through the abdominal wall at the site of previous abdominal surgery, then an incisional hernia. Commonly found in elderly, senior people or who are overweight and less active after abdominal surgery.
What is an Epigastric hernia?
Between the navel and lower part of the sternum (breastbone), fatty tissue protrudes through the abdominal area, thus this is known as Epigastric hernia.
What is a Spigelian hernia?
Below the navel, the intestine gets pushed through the abdomen to the side of the abdominal muscle.
What is a Diaphragmatic hernia?
In this, organs in the abdomen move into the chest through an opening in the diaphragm.
Symptoms of Hernia
A hernia in the groin or abdomen can cause a lump or bulge that can be pushed back in or gone when you lie down.The lump may reappear after it has been pushed in by laughing, crying, coughing, straining during a bowel movement, or engaging in physical activity. More symptoms of a hernia include:
- Swelling or bulge in the groin or scrotum (testicles pouch bag).
- Dull aching sensation.
- High pain in the bulge.
- Bowel obstruction.
- Pain while heavy physical work or lifting heavy objects.
- Bulge size increased over the period.
- There are no bulges on the outside of the body, during hiatal hernias phase. Rather than, you may observe different symptoms like indigestion, heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, frequent regurgitation (bringing food back till the mouth) and chest pain.
How to prevent hernias?
First of all hernia problems are common and mostly they tend to happen to anyone based on their health condition at that moment.
Common things to be followed to prevent hernias and they are:
- Maintain ideal weight by consuming proper food and regular exercise.
- Consume fruits and vegetables to get rid of constipation
- Skip hard physical work and lifts.
- Visit doctor immediately after non-stop cough or sneezing
- Avoid smoking
The following steps may reduce your risk of an incisional hernia after surgery:
- Don’t push yourself too hard physically for hard physical work.
- Prevent and treat constipation to avoid straining.
- Immediate treat for any regular and non-stop cough.
- Get treated for any allergies or regular sneezing.
- Skip activities that give pressure on the wound area.
- Use any gel you’ve been prescribed to promote wound healing.
- Don’t get involved in any sexual activity until your wound has healed.
- Quit smoking, or reduce it as much as possible to limit coughing.
- Maintain ideal weight by consuming proper food and regular exercise.
- For women, avoid conceiving or skip pregnancy plans at least for a minimum 6 months of duration after any surgery you all have been through.
[Kindly note: It’s not necessary if following all these steps or taking precautions it’s a guarantee that hernia issues will not arise. It’s a human body, anything can happen even if you take successful precautions. But, still these are to keep you all healthy and away from diseases.]
What to do if you have an inguinal hernia?
Here are a few things you can do to help prevent an inguinal hernia.
- Use proper lifting techniques - Life any heavy object slowly, carefully and well balanced rather than doing sudden lifting
- Maintain a recommended healthy body weight - Being overweight can increase your risk of inguinal hernia causing fatness and no strength in muscles
- Increase core strength - Major muscles of the pelvic and abdominal region, such as the pelvic floor and oblique muscles, and minor muscles, gluteus maximus, and trapezius can be strengthened by regular exercises or being actively doing physical activities.
- Control diabetes - Controlling diabetes is also very important in hernia prevention. Timely medications, proper food, consuming lower-calorie foods, and reducing intake of fat, sugar, and salt. Using whole-grain cereals, bread, rice, and pasta can also help in prevention from hernia
- Quit smoking - Smoking leads to a potential hernia. Smokers and those with COPD or have similar diseases which are caused by tobacco or have hard and non-stop coughing too, which can lead to hernia development.
- Avoid constipation - Staying well-hydrated is also essential to avoiding constipation.
[Kindly Note: These are the steps that can be implied and check whether these are effecting beneficially on your body. It’s not mandatory to have guaranteed results, if you have any serious health issues, kindly visit the doctors and get consulted.]
What causes hernias?
Due to weak muscle by a combination of pressure and an opening or weakness of muscle or fascia; the pressure pushes an organ or tissue through the opening or weak spot. Muscle weakness can be present at birth or it can occur later in life.
Anything that causes an increase in pressure in the abdomen can cause a hernia, including:
- Lifting heavy objects without support of the abdominal muscles / Suddenly Lifting heavy objects
- Due to Diarrhea or constipation problems
- Constant coughing or sneezing
- Due to obesity, poor nutrition, smoking, weak muscles make hernias more likely to occur
- Growing age
- Accident or any surgery taken place
What to do, if someone has a hernia?
Visit the doctor, your primary healthcare or doctor will examine and suggest for further process. Further process will include surgery, as hernia problems are very common and it’s effectively by a surgery process only.
How to treat hernias?
The only way to effectively treat a hernia is through surgical repair. Whether or not you need surgery depends on the size of your hernia and the severity of your symptoms. Your doctor may want to simply monitor your hernia for possible complications. This approach is called watchful waiting.
Hernias usually do not get better on their own, and surgery may be the only way to repair them. However, your doctor will recommend the best therapy to address your hernia, and may refer you to a surgeon. If the surgeon thinks it is necessary to repair your hernia, then the surgeon will tailor the method of repair that best meets your needs.
In the case of an umbilical hernia in a child, surgery may be recommended if the hernia is large or if it has not healed by the age of 4 to 5 years old. By this age, a child can usually avoid surgical complications.
If an adult has an umbilical hernia, surgery is usually recommended because the condition will not likely improve on its own and the risk of complications is higher.
One of three types of hernia surgery can be performed:
- Open surgery: Open surgery involves making a cut in the body where the hernia is. The projecting tissue is repositioned, and the damaged muscle wall is repaired. Occasionally, a specific kind of mesh is placed in the region to offer further support.
- Laparoscopic surgery: The same repairs are made during laparoscopic surgery. However, microscopic incisions are made to allow the insertion of surgical tools to finish the process rather than making a cut to the outside of the abdomen or groin.
- Robotic hernia repair: Similar to laparoscopic surgery, robotic hernia repair also makes small incisions while using a laparoscope. In robotic surgery, the surgeon controls the surgical tools from a console while seated in the operating room. Robotic surgery is currently also utilized to repair the abdominal wall, in addition to treating some smaller hernias or weak areas.
Any kind of surgery has its goods and bads. A patient's surgeon is the best advisor for what can be done, if any type of hernia occurs.
What to do if your groin hurts?
- Avoid working, don’t do any heavy exercises or physical activities until groin recovers
- Take proper rest and protect your injured or sore groin areas for 2 to 4 weeks.
- Use ice or a cold pack on your groin area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
- Take proper medications and meals on a timely basis.
- Stay away from stressful situations
A note from Medrec Hospital
“Health is wealth, and if wealth is good, then nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.” Any health issue whether it’s a small or equivalent to no, should never be avoided. Good care should be taken for ownself and with people who are with us.
Hernia treatments and surgeries are available at Medrec Hospital Jehanabad Bihar
Specialized Experts available for your hernia treatments. The hospital gives you treatment within a reasonable budget, with all X-ray, Scanning, pharmacy etc. and many more facilities. Reach out to us. In case, if anyone feels these kinds of symptoms or causes. Don’t wait for anything, you can immediately contact Medrec Hospital. Medrec has free counseling sessions, they are available 24 x 7 with all facilities near by you all, with excellent infrastructure, emergency ambulance facility, taken care by multiple doctors and staff members. Good hospitality is provided even for patient’s families. The good news is that we are even available on virtual mode to keep you motivated, for counseling by understanding what kind of problem you are going through. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment, call or use an online facility. If you find any of your friends, colleagues or relatives going through any kind of health problems, suggest they consult Medrec Hospitals.
They are specialized in many more treatments like Urology (Urethral and Cervical Stent Placements, Removal of Bladder Stones, Ablation Therapy for Heavy Menstruation and Abnormal Bleeding, Tests for Erectile Dysfunction and Sperm Analysis, Management of Incontinence and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Treatment for urinary incontinence, Vaginal Mesh Procedures, Biofeedback Therapy for Bladder Leakage), Paediatrics (Immunizations, Minor and Major surgery, General diagnostic services, Speech therapy, Pediatric psychology evaluations) , Mental Health (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Group Therapy, Family therapy, Guided imagery, Supervised visitation for parents with mental health concerns), Gynaecologist and Obstetrician (Vasectomy and Tubectomy, Cesarean Section (CS) Management, GYNO Surgery, Prenatal Care and Ultrasounds, Fully-equipped Maternity Wards, Emergency delivery services), General Physician (medical examinations, physical examinations, laboratory testings, and other medical services.), kidney stones, etc, and they do have an expertise team available for you all health problems 24 x 7. MedRec Hospital and Research Centre is located in Jehanabad, Bihar and for more information you can contact us @+91 89686 77907.